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Re: The challenge of spring

Hi @Shaz51


Spring brings back very happy memories from my childhood.  The smells of cut grass, the warmth of the sun, the flowers, summer is not far and so on.  My only complaint is the windy weather that we sometimes get.  Windy weather affects my moods.


Glad to see the back of least by the calendar anyway!


Re: The challenge of spring

I agree with you @Boo13 xx

how about you @TheVorticon, @BlueBells, @BlueBay, @Whiteknight, @Wanderer, @Former-Member Smiley Very Happy

Re: The challenge of spring

Sometimes I find sunny days are good to soak up the sunlight. @Shaz51 and therefore it boosts my mood

Re: The challenge of spring

Hi @Boo13

Memories, yes, as a child the clouds of insects, and so many different coloured butterflies. Somehow life seemed a bit slower then, there was time to smell the roses (careful of the bees, though lol ).

Do you hit the spring cleaning mode? Mum always did, but for me, it seems to kick in for autumn...sort of odd, really. Born and bred Aussie, so no northern hemishere there 🙂

Re: The challenge of spring

Hello @Jacques, @NatalieS, @BlueBells, @Boo13, @MDT, @Mulgajane, @Former-Member

when i did childcare I loved putting a big mattress outside and laying on i looking at the different shapes of the clouds

Not applicable

Re: The challenge of spring

I do love Spring! Love the flowers and greenery as so many people have mentioned already. But I don't like summer and Spring reminds me that summer is coming...I prefer the cooler weather. 🙂

Re: The challenge of spring

Yes @Former-Member, @oceangirl

summer up here gets tooo hot

so we really only have two seasons here

Re: The challenge of spring

Hi @Former-Member@Shaz51@BlueBells@MDT

I do love spring. I start to feel like my mood lifts once the sun comes out. I love seeing the trees blossom and hearing  the birds sing. And I love when I can open all the windows and let the fresh air in. Ah it’s nice. 

The only thing I hate is the wind and asthma. 

Re: The challenge of spring

Hello @Former-Member, @Broken-Mind, @Sophia1





Re: The challenge of spring

I definitely need the sun @Shaz51