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Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

Hey lovely Forumites! 🌻


I’m here to share some news about something that I hope can be interesting and can give you all a chance to have your voice heard about what the Forums is for you.


SANE is going through its first accreditation audit against the National Standards for Mental Health Services (NSMHS).


The aim of the accreditation audit is to improve the quality of our services and give you, our participants, a greater say in the services you receive. It will also help SANE qualify for some funding opportunities.


The accreditation audit will look at how SANE does things like:

➡️  Make sure people can access our services

➡️  Manage confidentiality, privacy, and complaints

➡️  Make sure our participants are supported to make decisions and choices about their care and access advocacy support services

➡️  Meet individual needs and goals

➡️  Support and encourage participants to play a valued role in the SANE community


Who is involved? 

SANE will be audited by the Institute for Healthy Communities Australia Certification Pty Ltd (IHCAC). IHCAC is a non-government, not for profit organisation which is not funded by Government and is completely impartial. IHCAC makes sure the information (written and verbal) collected during an audit is confidential, unless explicitly exempted.


What might this include?

Your participation may include meeting the Audit Team in a face to face interview, via telephone, group interview and/or consenting to your file being reviewed. You may also wish to attend both the opening and closing meetings of the audit.


Your participation is extremely highly valued in the process. You are the ones who know the forums best and are know first-hand what works and what could be improved.


Is it mandatory?

This is completely voluntary and based on the principle of informed consent. 


How can I join in?

You can express your interest in this thread and we will send through an email, or email us directly at


Can I have someone support me?


If you wish, we can help you contact an independent advocacy support person or organisation that can provide support in making a choice to consent, and/or support you during the audit process. You can also contact IHCAC on (07) 3844 2222. If you wish to participate in the audit process and have communication requirements such as requiring the use of an interpreter, please indicate this below so this can be arranged.




The consumer interviews will be the 14th or 15th of November.

Opening Meeting – 14th of November, 9am

Closing Meeting – 16th November, 4:30pm


Please do not hesitate to reach out to get involved or with any questions. Thanks heaps, everyone. We truly would not be here without all of you! 




Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

Interested @Peregrinefalcon👍

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

@chibam @Gwynn @wellwellwellnez @Willy see above post - you are all members that off the top of my head may be interested in this.

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

I am Interested in the :Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews"

please keep me informed

Thanks @Zoe7 



Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

@Willy 👍


@TAB @StuF see above message also - and tag in anyone you feel may also be interested

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

Thanks for the tag @Zoe7 


I'm thinking about it 🙂

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

Thanks for thinking of me, @Zoe7 ! Unfortunately, I will not be available in November for an interview with SANE.

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

Thanks @Zoe7 

umm @Appleblossom @Former-Member @SmilingGecko ? 
yes I will do it 

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

I am interested.

Thanks @TAB 


Maybe @Historylover @Eve7 @Snowie @Former-Member @MDT @Judi9877 

Re: Have Your Voice Heard: SANE Forums Audit Interviews

I thought you were more active than passive @Appleblossom  😎😸🎩 lol