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What is Mindfulness?

Reading about mindfulness without actually experiencing it for yourself is like going to your local café for brunch without tasting any of the food. Just as the point of a brunch outing is to enjoy avocado loaded sourdough, mindfulness exercises need to be practiced in order to enjoy the most delicious meal of all - emotional calmness.



There’s something inherently frustrating about being human.

It’s not the fact that a good dollop of smashed avocado is $17 at your local café, or that one guy at your gym who insists on loudly using his mobile phone your entire workout. It isn’t even your mother-in-law’s passive aggressive remarks about how irresponsible it is to have multiple superannuation accounts (thanks, Susan). Beyond everything, one of the most frustrating realities of human life is the fact that everything in this world is completely impermanent.



Caring for someone with complex mental health issues comes with a unique set of challenges. Some days, carers or family and friends of people with complex mental health issues find themselves frustrated and exhausted, whilst others are filled with connection, compassion and laughter.



With loads of research and awareness, the Australian community is beginning to understand the presention of this common mental health condition. However there are still a few key assumptions that we're keen to unpack. Here are four misconceptions about Bipolar disorder, so you can equip yourself with insight and knowledge to help break down stigma.



Spoiler alert: the answer is no

Dating can be a love-hate experience for the average Australian adult. Many of us are opting for long term relationships with Netflix and a cup of Bushell’s over the unpredictable modern era of dating. But if you do choose to navigate new relationships, it can be challenging no matter what. And, when living with Borderline Personality Disorder, navigating new relationships can bring a range of other aspects to consider.


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