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Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Hi @Shaz51 , 

yes I know that I must have got something all muddled up!  



Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

No need to be sorry @Peri 

Thank you for your message , some great ideas xxx

How are you today my friend 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Hi @Shaz51 ,

i am ok, thanks, I feel despondent and sad, but I am ok 


Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Ohhh my @Peri  what is wrong my friend xx  xxx 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

I don’t know @Shaz51 , 

ifeel really low, I dread waking each day and am bitterly disappointed when I do.

i want to sleep all the time , I am sick of being cold. I miss my husband, he died many years ago and we had separated, but I miss him



Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Tender hugs my friend @Peri , sitting with you  xoxo 

I think lockdown  has a lot to do with pur feelings my friend  

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Ah @Shaz51 ,

no it is not lockdown, I am in WA no lockdown here. And that would not affect me in that way.. it will pass


Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

My husband of 23 years has bipolar2. He is an older man ( 78) and  has to come off [removed medication name] which has kept him stable for years as long term use can affect your kidneys and there is a danger of that. We saw a psychiatrist whom I thought was reasonable - quite scientific, however our GP had recommended her because of her ability to find a new drug and get the dosage correct and so on. My husband was furious with her, felt she was 'clinical'. did not establish rapport and so on. She took a full history which again, he was angry about. He is off all medication at the moment and frankly, very difficult. He got angry with me two days ago and is sulky now. He doesn't want to go back on a different medication and says he feels no different and is fine. I can not reason with him. He is extraordinarily sensitive to any perceived rejection at the moment. He gets very rigid with his ideas and tells the same stories over and over - things that anger hom and so on, as if he's stuck in a groove. I am trying to handle him - I love this man and he is a good loving person, and would appreciate any 'tips'. 

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

Hi @Verley 🙂

I am so sorry to hear that it's been a tough time for you and your husband. I can hear that you're doing your best to support him.

I am sure it's very challenging for both of you to navigate this. From my experience, sometimes, we need time to accept big changes to our treatment plans and trust others. I am glad that you have a GP for support. I was wondering if you have any support for yourself during this time - counsellor or psychologist?

Re: My life partner has Bipolar ii

That's a good point that he needs time. And I do have a psych I've used in the past and could use again. If you have any other tips I'm open to hearing them. For example, I had to go away for a few days recently and my daughter suggested doing a 'story line' for him which she does for her autistic son to reduce anxiety. It's just a table outlining what will happen and what he might feel - I made it funny and he really LOVED it. Anything practical or a suggested attitude that will help, is very useful.