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Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander thank you for caring I had Acupuncture in my left hand on Wednesday Afternoon.I am feeling less pain now just a soreness the endorphins that are released from the treatment are ding amazing things in my nerves system its really wonderful. I will be having another 3-5 sessions 1 weekly & I'm looking forward to each one. You could try acupuncture for some of your injuries its worth giving it at least a try?
Luv & Hugz
Bella xo 🙂

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

@outlander Morning lil Sis. Where are you today. Can you check in with us; let us know you're ok

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Looking for a check-in from you too @outlander ..... 💜

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Hi everyone


sorry i havent been around. im completly exhausted. i cant write much. i havent got anything in me.
my energy has all gone. i feel so weak both physically and mentally.
thank you all for your messeges. i really do appreciate it


Heart Heart Heart


Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Hi everyone @Former-Member @Former-Member @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Sans911 and everyone
Im wondering if you found any scars after suture removal to still get like a pinching feel?

Any tips for this?

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Using something for scars and stretch marks from the chemist will help the scar to settle @outlander ..... the surgery affects the nerves in the area somewhat .....

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

it doesnt help that my bra straps rub on them and theres no avoiding it.. maybe thats it too?

thanks @Faith-and-Hope would about vitamin E creams? 

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

Yes, they are included in the treatments for scars and stretchmarks @outlander.

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

ok, thanks @Faith-and-Hope Heart

Re: the longest wait while being petrified

I did advise you to get bio oil @outlander for your scar.

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