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Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

🙏 @Determined .....


Hair was yesterday @Former-Member  .... and my natural grey colour is growing back in through the “unsolicited hairdresser experiments” from earlier in the year, so starting to feel more like myself again.


Massage booked for tomorrow


Nails will be next week.

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

You are free of assignment deadlines @Faith-and-Hope . Yippeeee!


Free to soak in your morning coffee and peruse whatever you are reading or watching at leisure.


Corny Heart

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Yes, strange feeling @Corny  ..... but also free to sort legal stuff that I have pursued to force a transparency into our situation.


So far everything has remained fairly civil and contained .... hoping steps and open communications it will remain that way.


Very tired.  It’s been stressful and a lot of work, happening alongside submissions and trying to keep the baby dragons’ studies afloat ..... and totally new, scary territory .....


I’m doing okay.  Got another couple of hours sleep just now .... necessary ....

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

@Zoe7 💕 ^^^

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

So relieved to read you are going the legal path @Faith-and-Hope . That is not to be combative, but realistic.


It can all get very complicated if couples try to base the separation on good faith, or the hope that so many years together actually meant something. But it can backfire, and sometimes they lead you on with niceties to make sure they get the best $$$ deal and then throw you to the dogs.


There can be a lot of fakeness and opportunism along the way, and to wrap it up legally is to ensure that it doesn't boomerang back down the track if they reach tough financial times and try to suck more out of you or the kids. That will not be your problem anymore.


Easy to implement but getting through the emotions will take so much time and exhaust you, but it will be worth it @Faith-and-Hope . He has been treating you with contempt for too long. I read on someone elses thread ages ago, something along the lines of their partner or family must consider them as valuable and desired as 'pond scum' based on their behaviours. I thought that was great. Can totally relate to that feeling. That becomes soul destroying if you live with that for too long.


You have chosen the lesser of the painful paths, I assure you. Both choices were painful, I know it doesn't feel like it now, but in the long term, this is the lesser pain.


Corny Heart

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

Thinking of you @Faith-and-Hope .. I know how hard this has all been for you.  Its evidenced by the fact you have not been as active here on the forums lately.  Its totally understandable though, and I am super pleased you are receiving support here that you richly deserve.  Its good that you are on the receiving end of all that care and support you typically bestow on so many others here and in your real life.  I'm glad you are making steady headway on the home front. Must be so hard.


Sherry 💕🌼

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

It is good to hear you have sought legal advice @Faith-and-Hope and also that things are still fairly civil and contained for now. I do hope it remains that way for you as you continue to work through everything. Keep doing what you need to move forward for you and your baby dragons as well both care for and protect yourself along the way.  This is undoubtedly both a stressful and tiring time for you Hon but steps you muct go through to be able to move forward ...and hopefully along the way will appear a much calmer and happier life for you and your bds. I know you still care about Mr but he has shown his true colours and honestly his issues are no longer yours the cards may fall as they may in that regard for him and you are free to now do what you want with your life without the constraints and control of that relationship holding you back. It will of course take time and effort to get to that point but you are on that road now ...he has made his choices and now it is time for you to have the freedom to make your own. Stay true to yourself, know what you want and follow your own heart ...and through that you can look to the future and chase your own dreams Heart

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

❤️❤️❤️ @Zoe7 @Former-Member @Corny ....

Re: Eating disorder and more - need a shoulder ......

@Faith-and-Hope  how are you today xxxx

Thinking of you lots