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Survey on sex, intimacy and mental illness

Hello Forumites

Last year a brave forum member started this conversation.  It was quite an eye opener and had a ripple effect.  It lead to this blog and this Topic Tuesday which in turn lead to an invite to a mental health conference. It's a chance to be part of a panel of mental health professionals making the point that our sector doesn't give this issue the time or attention it needs.  It's to our clients detriment and it's something we need to change.

My role on the panel is to give voice to the experiences of those with a mental illness, their carers and partners.  So I've created a survey to dig a little deeper into the topic.  If you have a few minutes, I'd really appreciate you filling it in.  It will only take 10 minutes and it's completely anonymous.  The link will take you to another website (survey monkey) where no identifying information is recorded.

Here is the survey. 

At SANE we'd also like to create some fact sheets and resources around this topic.  And so your responses can also guide and give depth to this work.

Thank you.  I appreciate you reading this far and for anyone able to do the survey Smiley Happy

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