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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51 @HenryX 

Yeah, its been raining on / off here for the last few hours, peeked my head outside before and purple clouds all around. winter is going to be wet (i hope)

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

godd that things are getting done my friend @HenryX , stay safe 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

looks like a wet autumn here too @wibblewobble 

where i am it is 26 degrees today 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @wibblewobble @greenpea @Smc 


Hi Shaz and everyone else,


We have been very fortunate here since the cyclone - now just over a week ago. There has been no rain since then. As I said above, the SES crews are just now getting to those places that have had minimal damage; mine among those.


The weather here is a beautiful autumn day, about 27 deg. Sunny, and clear skies.





Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi All.

Got the woodstove going for the first time this year. We're predicted to get a top of 14... and a low of 2 tonight. And being down the bottom of a valley, we often get a touch colder than the forecast. Have set off the smoke alarm three times so far due to too much faddling with the fire on my part. 😛 (It's OK once it's settled in and burning cleanly.)

Spent yesterday finishing up a few garden frost-readiness tasks. Got a few more things to do before dark. Mostly tossing shadecloth over a few things that I haven't gotten to moving under polycarb.

Hi @HenryX, good to hear your roof is basically secure. Sistering because the frame is damaged, or to make in stronger in anticipation of such weather occuring again, or a bit of both?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

We're predicted to get a top of 14... and a low of 2 tonight.----- wow @Smc , it never ever gets that low here ever

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?



Hi @Smc, Yes, a bit of both. The original Jarrah timber is still quite strong, though it has hardened over the years. Consequently, too many nails and screws in specific locations are likely to weaken the timbers around those fixing points. New sister timbers mean that I will not be replacing the roof, but merely strengthening it. Long coach screws, to clinch the sisters to the older Jarrah, in locations between where nails & screws have previously been placed in the Jarrah for securing the roofing iron. Then new iron attached to the treated pine sisters, which will also be easier to screw into with longer screws than would be required in the Jarrah. The latter should maintain the overall strength of the roof frame, while not adding too much additional weight.


Any other suggestions welcomed?

Post edited for clarity and a little additional Information


Cheers, HenryX

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@HenryX, We're planning on doubling up the framing on our house (whenever we get the time, mental space and $$ together at the same time?), in anticipation of the possibility that the weather won't be as user friendly down the track. Mostly so we can put in extra insulation, but also so that the structure will be stronger.

So I recently looked into it, and found out that it's better to have spacers between the two sets of timbers, so that the load on them is distributed more evenly and so that you don't have to worry about differences in shrinkage and flex between the two sets of timbers. With well aged jarrah, the latter might be a very relevant consideration for you.

This article is specifically about ceiling joists, but I think the info might be generally relevant. Maybe run it past a builder?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@HenryX @wibblewobble @Smc @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Former-Member @Determined  no rain here clear blue skies around 24 degrees today and 21 tomorrow with an overnight temp of 6!!!! pea fect!!been to visit my daughter today. Read the newspaper and have sinned on some crisps :o!!!

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

crisps --- yummmm my sister @greenpea Smiley Very Happy