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Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, hope your sleep problem gets better. Hope to feel better here. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

deep breathing?

bible ?

walk ?

snack ?

Tv ?


going to have shower, get some sun very briefly , beats nothing, get newspaper for weekly tv guide. getting behind on study, cant care , will have to do whole day tomorrow.

have to decide what to do with tooth, ha . have appt wednesday. it should have settled by now. might ring govt place first , see what options are at getting it done on the cheap, will just say 'pain' ok it is , but like couple times a day lol

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB Yes I agree. Many of these medicines also mimic natural cures.


Found out recently a weightloss diabetes drug uses the hormone Exendin-4, found in the venom of the Gila monster lizard.


Many shamans in Amazon jungle over the years have been coerced by Big Pharma to hand over cures.


They are forever copying these natural cures then patenting them $$$


Oz***ic costs I think 1 cent or $1 or something to manufacture and sold at a massive profit margin to consumers.


I think its like $US800/month for Oz***ic when its worth practically nothing to manufacture.


<picture of Gila Monster lizard>


Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 2.23.55 pm.png


Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, thanks for caring. Hope your tooth gets sorted. Wish you a great study day tomorrow.  Take care


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thanks @Meowmy  am muddling along within limitations 

cant say anymore. cant study today . had time, ha



okay report from car service. unbelievably good.


Test drive vehicle before servicing and note any potential faults.
Raise vehicle on hoist. Replace engine oil & filter
Inspect tyres for tread, condition & wear.
Check all tyre pressures (incl. spare wheel).
Inspect brake pads for wear, rotors for condition, hydraulic system for leaks. hoses for cracks and park/hand brake for correct operation.
racks/wear and joints for play. Inspect steering joints for play and power steering system for leaks.
Inspect driveline (i.e. gearbox & differential) for leaks, damage and check all fluid levels.
Inspect driveshafts for play and damage .
Inspect wheel bearings for play and noise.
Check engine for oil/coolant leaks and visual inspection. Check fuel system for leaks and damage.
Check air filter and clean as required.
Check/top up all under bonnet fluid levels as required (i.e. brake fluid, power steering fluid, washer fluid, coolant). Inspect cooling system for leaks, radiator/hoses for
eaks, radiator/hoses for condition and coolant for condition.
Inspect drivebelts for condition and adjustment.
Check battery for condition, terminals are clean/tight, battery is secured correctly and test battery using tester.
Test brake/clutch fluid for moisture using tester.
De-grease and pressure clean engine bay.
Check all lights and horn for correct operation.
Lubricate door hinges, latches and check straps.
any leaks.
Inspect windscreen wipers and washer operation.
Clean windscreen and inspect for damage/chips/cracks.
--- Additional service items carried out. ---
Replaced LHF parker globe -blown.
Replaced Dirty Air Filter
Drain, flush and replace coolant. Bleed cooling system and top up coolant level once cooled.
Replaced upper & lower radiator hoses (Supplied). Replace drivebelt and tensioner assembly (Supplied). Remove inlet tract and power steering pump for access.
Check and adjust headlight alignment.
Replace LHF door lock actuator (Supplied). Remove inner door trim for access, remove rod clips and mounting bolts. Compare original with replacement - appears OK. Fit new actuator, test OK.
--- Service notes (listed with most urgent at top of list). ---Rear tyres low on tread, nearly at TWI (Tread Wear Indicator). Rec replace ASAP
Front tyres starting to get low on tread and wear inner/outer
perished - monitor next service. Tail shaft front & rear flexible couplings starting to crack -monitor next service.
Suspect power steering rack has a minor leak, also had to top up reservoir. Cleaned oily mess, inspect at next service. Engine timing cover minor leak - have degreased and pressure cleaned. Monitor next service. Engine inlet tract oily - suspect possible blocked PCV orifice. Monitor next service - may need further attention. Recommend if radiator hasn't been replaced since new, strongly recommend replace. Appears OK, but unable to guarantee any future faults. Fuel filter appears old (not

Hows that for a service @Bill16  ..$650

Re: Tabaluga's

@Meowmy @TAB @SmilingGecko @greenpea @Shaz51 @Glisten @Bill16 @Jacques @StuF 


Got brave today and went to new chapel because our ward boundaries moved so now we meet at a different chapel. I wasn’t going to go but then suddenly I changed my mind. My daughter is still going to the old chapel so my husband's played taxi driver. I met so many new people that I am not going to remember any names. Oh maybe I will remember the name of the lady with the baby lol. I just love babies. The baby had my brother’s name so that will be easy to remember. Anyway everyone seemed friendly so that’s good. They were excited about having new members of their ward.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

Great. @SmilingGecko  lol

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

glad you enjoyed it @Oaktree 

Re: Tabaluga's

Gee thats a thorough car service report. I bet you were happy with that @TAB! Wowsers


Whats up @Meowmy youre not feeling good with anxiety or something. Try and relax a bit. I know anxiety can overtake your life and you feel like you have no control over it. But you've known better days. Still...its very hard living with extreme anxiety. It can be awful. Hope you feel better soon

Re: Tabaluga's

@Oaktree very good. Well done Oaktree