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DBT skills for breakups?

Background: probably breaking up with my significant other (of >1yr)

I've done DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) and I KNOW there's a heap of good skills that I can be using whilst breaking up with someone, but I'm sure there's others I've forgotten. Can anyone with knowledge of DBT think of any skills that'd come in handy?

Skills I definitely plan on using:
- Mindfulness (so I can keep an eye on how I'm doing emotionally)
- Pros and cons (to work out whether to break up in the first place)
- PLEASE (for looking after myself generally throughout the process)
- DEAR MAN (for the actual break up conversation)
- Coping ahead (for having the conversation as well as dealing with the fallout)

Not sure how many people on here have done DBT, but thought I'd try here because whilst googling literally every article I found was about how to break up with someone with BPD, not the other way around 😕

Thanks all

Re: DBT skills for breakups?

Hi @AwkwardTurtle,

I am super sleepy so not thinking too clearly right now, but I wanted to let you know I have read your post and I am super impressed with the way you are working at applying the DBT skills to the really difficult situation of a breakup. I am familiar with DBT...but not familiar with breakups. Smiley Happy I have never had a romantic relationship. So...I don't think I have anything useful to say, but I really wanted you to know how impressed I am at the way you are approaching the situation. Plus, as an aside, I super love that you are awkward turtle because I self-identify as a sea turtle - so it is super cool to meet another turtle here in Forum Land. Smiley Happy