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Re: Trying makes it worse

hello @Appleblossom   Yes  . .    the back .   I forgot about your  back.      Well. . .   as it happens I   also crack  backs.   Its  that darker fella under the hat.   He just likes the echo of cracking 

bones in dark cellars. . .   Just kidding. . .  I   don't even know where you are going on the bus

Must be some festival of art or music.   knowing you.       Anywhere is better than over the cliff


I'm glad you always are around  the fire.  I don't no whether to tag people or not,  I worry they think its attention seeking and then if I dont, might they feel left out,  or it diminishes the personal nature of the letter.    Etiquette  for A2  people is almost impossible.    However with you,  not sure why,   but I just feel like you and a couple of others, are always around and part of the chaos of this playground on the river.   I even kick the dunny 

door shut in case you walk past,  magazines stuffed back in bottom drawer,  chooks ushered out the door.


I do integrate with the indigenous folk now and then.  The call me brother and my cousin and bookkeeper sisters  or cuz. .  an honour of sorts,  but I nearly blew when I wrapped a roo tail in foil.


My role of foil around the fire is a  big,   no   no.   A few times a year they camp near a big water hole on the place.  Then are gone like the wind,  leaving me wondering where I really belong.   Ghosts looking for houses to haunt are we. . . .

Enjoy your break,  and I'll put on a fresh pot next week.

@Sophia1   M a t e . . .  You are like the moon.  I don't know where it goes too, but I know it will be back when its shiny coats re laundered and I plant my seeds to its rhythms   @EternalFlower    Hope you all are well,  And Ive got an extra rod hear,  just in case.

and a bean bag under a huge floral umbrella,                 tonys   moon base one  




Re: Trying makes it worse

Thankyou my dearest friend.   Well I know you are about and busy but at least I know you are functional,   I  used that term too loosely,     Mate  Its my book keeper birthday and she just came back so it will be posts at midnight to night.  She yelled out hi.    On the odd occasion she will type while I ride the broom so she knows you too. . .    I hope thats  OK. 

Please stay on the gentle side of the river. . .    here when you have some time .


tonys moon base one.          @Sophia1 


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @Appleblossom hope u are ok on the train ride and hsve a nice weekend away...soothing to spirit.


Ive recently fallen as well and hurt my knee its a bit grating.


I am very grateful to my psychiatrist. Glad to read u also have one u can work with, which is something. So many are so ...not easy. 




Re: Trying makes it worse

Hugs Beautiful @EternalFlower Hope your knee is not too bad. It is always nice to connect.  I have lots of good new exercises and a gorgeous physio.  I should be packing but popped on here.  Still a bit ambivalent about travelling but getting used to my style. The alarm is set.  Good Night.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi lovely @Appleblossom @tonys @LeChuck 

Im in hospital as an inpatient... 2nd night...


I moved rooms because my co roomie was a big snorer but i regret it as this new space is terrible in new ways.


I am angry at myself and confused and scared here.

The people are a colourful bunch but im not too keen on socialising...there is a tv and sometimes people watch together.


Its pretty dirty and icky my sheets feel like cardboard and hsve stains everywhere.


I wish i had bought a cozy blankie to hug.











Re: Trying makes it worse

OH   @EternalFlower  .  .  .    Mate.  . .  I'm here with you  my dear friend if you want to chat to night


I'll keep my laptop on and  check it.   What are we going to do mate.  Believe me please when I 

say,  I just want to cry,  when I think about you mate,  I want to give all sort of advice and All I can really say thats solid is,  I care about what happens to you my friend.  I cant even imagine 

what took back to hospital,   cant be good,   and I feel guilty for saying,   I feel better when you are there because I worry so gravely when you are down and on your own.


Is your doctor coming to the hospital tomorrow.  please tell me how that goes.  I hope some sort of help comes by way of the  NDIS,   because you need some really solid supports behind you,  and I don't want you to fall through the cracks.  The squeaky wheel If you get my drift.   I can tell you are in bad pain and I'm many miles away.   


I  You tube music all the time when I need a lift,   but you need  the full orchestra,  and I am 

going  to pray hard as I can for you,  and the man upstairs owes me a few favours,  so

fingers crossed.   Will go so you get this quick,  but I'm walking the corridors down there tonight,    Eternal flower     Tonys    moon base one

Re: Trying makes it worse



Re: Trying makes it worse

@EternalFlower I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a tough time eternal. I am here to chat whenever you feel alone in there and want to have a vent or just some support. I agree about the sheets lol but the plastic pillows are even worse! I will keep an eye on my notifications, here with you through this lovely, I know how lonely it can be in here. Hang in there and keep reaching out for support or just a chat to keep the boredom at bay. X lechuck

Re: Trying makes it worse

@EternalFlower I am in compulsory group therapy a lot of the day, so if you ever don't hear back from me for a couple of hours, that's the only reason. Just want to reiterate I am 100% here with you through this and will distract and support as much as you need ❤️

Re: Trying makes it worse

hi @LeChuck @tonys @Appleblossom @Sophia1 


I woke up and there was a dead cockroach in the it. These little things feel very stressful. I fele if I complain to much to staff it'll cause more problems. I feel icky in my skin and there's no privacy at all which is hard. There is a nice nurse today, he is upbeat and warm, they say the dr will come at 12 and now irs this evening and had i bot asked again id have been waiting....i dont like that waiting.