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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

yeh @Former-Member bit more of a permanent lifestyle change due to intolerance. just have to add it to the list of issues. at least they found out the 2 reasons ive been so unwell

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Slow night here tonight @Former-Member .... I have run out of steam for the moment, so not doing much, just relaxing.  There is a doco on about Walt Disney which D2 and I are watching.


So sorry you hear it's a sucky night for you @Anastasia.  Have you got some self-care items at hand ?  Hand cream is one I reach for ..... probably not as often as I should.  Something to distract in terms of music or something to watch on tv ?  It doesn't make the sucky stuff go away, but it's being a friend to yourself in a time if need.


Hugs ❣️

I hope things sort out a bit better for you now @outlander.


Sorry that you have had a stressful day too @Shaz51 


Heater is on here, and I am reaching for a hot chicolate.  Anyone else want one ?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @outlander 

Thank you 😘 


Hello @Former-Member 

Big relapse for my boy. Thought we were on track. I'm not coping tonight. Back to hospital again next week for the sixth time. Wishing for a magic wand for many reasons. Thanks for listening, I appreciate you x

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

heaters on here too @Faith-and-Hope its 5 degrees here atm but expected to get colder.
resting while you can sounds like a good idea

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Thank you @Faith-and-Hope 


A hot choccy sounds lovely. I appreciate you 😘 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hey @Anastasia, sorry you're having a tough time atm. We're here for you if needed Heart

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Thank you. I don't really know what to do right now. It's hard to care for someone when I can barely care for myself. Rough night has tipped me off the axis a bit. 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Anastasia Yeah that's really rough, I hope you're able to find some time for yourself at some point. I dunno if it'll help, but you can always have a chat to the folks over at Family Drug Support, they have a helpline open 24/7 (1300 368 186)

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Thank you @Jynx ❤️

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Faith-and-Hope  chocolate (without the hot) sounds good, Milo tin  + teaspoon would suffice 😁.


@Anastasia  6th admission = ☹️  crisis mode = ☹️

Perhaps a little something to go with your hot choc might be in order.


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@outlander  let us know what virtual treats are suitable for you.