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Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Me too and then Mr shaz says ' I' m OK " @Former-Member 

What do you say after that statement 

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

A matter of timing @Shaz51 . Sometimes I ask Mr Darcy if he would be prepared to tell the doc about something he is complaining about. Other times I will ask if Mr Darcy would like me to to do so and/or advocate for him and if he says yes I don't ask again and speak up. I do let him know I have his best interests at heart and as he has seen positive responses after I have spoken up he does trust me in relation to this.


Sometimes I will suggest that information necessary for best practice has not been tendered (as is the case at present). He agrees and we will follow up to ensure that this is available for next appt.


At appts, if Mr Darcy said he was happy for me to speak up,  I will  point out that his level of distress is variable and whilst Mr D might be feeling OK at present that his pain/anxiety/ other symptom will wake him at night/if it is bad enough to cause him to cry/other effect.

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Ohhh @Former-Member

Mr Darcy's twin Mr shaz is totally the same xxxx

Hugs my friend Heart

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

@Shaz51 @Former-Member Heart

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

hi @Shaz51 my dear friend. hugs


im here listening if you need to chat, can you sit on the pourch and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the beauty of nature? i find that helps me a lot when im struggling.


maybe some cross words or a good book or movie

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

can you sit on the pourch and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the beauty of nature? i find that helps me a lot when im struggling.--- sitting ith you my @Jacques Heart

yes i may be jumping ahead of my self but mr shaz`z father had postrate cancer which went to his bones -- today mr shaz postrate level was up a bit xx

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

How are things  @Shaz51 

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

hello @Former-Member , @outlander 

today I slept in until 8am

and then we worked all morning gardening mum`s gardens , got a lo done

leftover home made pizza for lunch

now relaxing xx

how is your day going

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

We had a bit of a sleep in too. Walked into town today to pick up a couple of supplies  @Shaz51  Mr D now watching the afl grand final.