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Looking after ourselves

Re: Daily Achievements!

Someone said if we are feeding ourselves, doing dishes, making our beds and washing ourselves each day we are winning. 

I didn't win today. But I did acknowledge I've crashed. 




Re: Daily Achievements!

@Dimity  I don’t believe that

Anyone on this forum, on any given day, if you get out of bed, you’re doing well.

We all have struggle days and hit the wall occasionally a little sideways.

We’re human. You have the right to be. G

Re: Daily Achievements!

Yesterday I:


- showed up to my health coach call even though it was a bad week


- discussed my issues with my family


- said no to events that were not emotionally safe for me and scheduled an alternative 

Re: Daily Achievements!

Today I took the bus and got some errands done.

Tonight I realised very late noone had put the bins out so I did it.

I can envisage things to do tomorrow. 


Re: Daily Achievements!

@Dimity @swift1 @Judi9877 @dehaha @Jynx  Over the last two weeks it didn’t occur to me to put my achievements into this thread.

Last week I emailed bank and credit card statements to the paralegal.

Followed by record of my completed car loan. ATO statements 2015 - 2019

This week superannuation balance. Two years of car registration payments. Financial year phone account payments.

Had a 40 minute sauna almost everyday. Which means I had to have a shower. Brushed my teeth twice a day.

It’s exhausting.


Re: Daily Achievements!

Well done. Thanks an awesome effort :ok_hand:

Re: Daily Achievements!

Thank you for responding @dehaha Your encouragement means a lot to me.


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