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Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness


I find you are slow a hard one 🙂 


Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

"Are you ok?" can trigger me sometimes. Unfortunately.

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

"Snap out of it" !!!


Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

Anything that comes after the words "You just need to..." or "I think it's just..." 😅

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

Just forget about it    or

let it go

just move on

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

Hey there @-JJ- , sending you a big welcome to the forums! It looks like this is your first discussion topic, and I suspect it might be a popular one Smiley Happy

Here is my contribution to things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness:

  • Why can't you just get over it?
  • I thought you'd be better by now
  • We all feel like that sometimes
  • Just go for a walk
  • Maybe you're not trying hard enough

And to mix it up a little, things you SHOULD say to someone who has a mental illness:

  • I'm here for you
  • I want to learn more
  • How can I support you?
  • That must be hard
  • I admire your strength

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

Hi @-JJ- ,


Welcome to the forums! Thank you for starting this thread  Smiley Happy


I think it's awful hearing "but think about all the people who have it worse", it's so dismissive and upsetting!




I also just wanted to jump in and encourage our community to reach out for support should any of this content be triggering or upsetting. SANE peer support workers and counsellors are available for chat if you need them Smiley HappyHeart

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

My mum often goes on rants about certain politicians, saying that they're crazy, need to be locked up, etc. I find it really hurtful, but I haven't been able to find the words to talk to her about her ableism.

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

That can be a tricky one @Gwynn. Knowing how and when to raise it with friends and family can feel like a bit of a minefield.

Re: Things you shouldn't say to someone with a mental illness

my mum has told me 'you're not strong enough like me, that's why you see a psychologist' !!!!


'are you still seeing a psych'


'are you still taking AD' should't you be off them by now!!!!



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