29-01-2025 03:34 PM
29-01-2025 03:34 PM
Hi Everyone,
I'm hoping those with lived experience of Autism/ASD and using a psychiatrist / medication might be willing to share their experiences. I'm not yet convinced this is right for me, but the experiences of others may sway me.
I will provide some context about me and my journey so far. My apologies in advance for the lengthy background.
About 2 years ago I was diagnosed with ASD Level 2 by a psychologist in my early 50s. My psychologist didn't know about (and then dismissed the entire idea of) the Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) profile. This was a shame because my experience of ASD aligns with PDA traits, but not on the extreme side.
Prior to my diagnosis, I quit my job of 25 years due to severe depression and anxiety, due to work commitments not enabling me to seek help. Quitting helped me get diagnosed, but has resulted in isolation. All my family and support live inter-state, my only local close friend has significant health difficulties of her own, and I live alone.
I have sought help from various local agencies, but have been told I'm not eligible (e.g. too old to meet their criteria), been added to their lengthy waiting lists, or not received a response after making contact (my anxiety about phone calls etc doesn't help). I found the only ASD-related support group located near me, but didn't find their meet-ups very useful. This has led to ongoing depression that help is not available, unless of course you have a lot of money to pay for it.
My sister, who is an OT and inter-state, is worried about my mental health and believes I should see a psychiatrist and get on medication. I'm extremely concerned about that idea, and am therefore wondering if the experiences of others may allay my concerns, or give me suggestions on how they dealt my concerns.
For e.g. I would be living alone while trialing medications. Many meds have potential side effects where monitoring by others, I would think, is essential. (I think Community Guidelines prevent me from mentioning examples, but those with experience will know them, including the severe ones.) I am not confident I would be self-aware that I would be experiencing the side-effects. Plus, I'm often very sensitive to medications, and could therefore risk some of the rarer ones.
Based on this background, I have some questions.
Have you found that psychiatrists have value beyond just prescribing medications, over just seeing a psychologist?
If you lived alone while trialing meds, did you find a solution regarding supervision? For e.g. did your psychiatrist organise or refer you to a service which can help? Or were you just expected to find (and pay for) your own supervision during such trials or take the punt on no supervision?
I don't have anyone who could help regarding supervision. While I could visit family inter-state, they are all experiencing significant hardships which would prevent them supervising me. That includes my OT sister, who has enough on her plate.
Assuming there is a solution to the supervision issue, what have been your experiences with medication for ASD? What difficulties have you found it helps with? What role has it played in your recovery or journey?
Many thanks for any insights or suggestions you might have.
29-01-2025 05:59 PM
29-01-2025 05:59 PM
Hey @xp ,
Thank you for sharing.
I'm hearing that you are reaching out to gain understanding of people's experiences with ASD and medication.
I do not have my own lived experience of this, but I have worked with those who take medication for the anxiety and depression that may come from ASD - not medication for ASD.
This helps them to be able to be ready for the 'talking therapy' that may support their ASD.
I hear you are hesitant about meds.
I guess one thing to consider: Is it worse to try or worse not to try?
29-01-2025 06:11 PM
29-01-2025 06:11 PM
Hiya @xp! Totally a lot to consider hey!
One thing I wanna clarify with you - (I am not medically trained just FYI so pls do correct me if I'm wrong or if my info is out of date) as far as I know, there is no psychiatric medication currrently prescribed for ASD. Are you talking about a medication for ADHD mayhap? Little bit different but just wanted to double check with you!! And you're correct that medication names can't be mentioned but you can just name the class (e.g. stimulants, antipsychotics, etc).
But yeah I was wondering because, well I'm not saying that folks with ASD won't get prescribed meds, but it's usually because either their ASD is undiagnosed (so they're treating the wrong thing), or it is simply a way of managing symptoms (I legit hate calling them 'symptoms' and not 'traits' but in this context I think it's relevant), e.g. someone with a persistent low mood might get prescribed anti-depressants to help manage things until they feel confident to step back off em again. But even then, low mood isn't an autistic trait. So yeah, I don't think there's any 'medication for autism'.
As to your other concern about adjusting to new meds whilst living alone - I think best bet would be to chat to the psych about it before making any decisions. The more you're aware of potential side effects the more you can prepare and put contingencies in place. Like if one possible side-effect is an increase in depressive symptoms, you could write out little reminders to stick up around the house that say idk something like 'It's okay! It's just the chemicals re-balancing in my brain!'
Also, whether the pdoc is as emotionally attuned as a psych depends entirely on individual practitioners; many do report that pdocs are generally less emotionally aware/attuned than psychs, and will seek out pdoc only for medications stuff and then get psych support for emotional/mentality side of things - but no experience is universal. Alas, only way to find out is to go see the pdoc and check in with yourself during/after about whether you’d feel safe to be open with this person on an ongoing basis.
Also, finding MH support that isn't stigmatising for folks with ASD can be its own challenge, hey! Have you managed to find some super affirming/non-pathologising professionals to help you navigate everything?
04-02-2025 04:44 PM
04-02-2025 04:44 PM
Hi @tyme
Many thanks for your reply, and my apologies for my delayed response.
I will need to think about your question about whether it is worse to try or worse not to try.
My initial 'gut feeling' is that, with ASD, change creates significant anxiety and depression. Meds would represent a major fear and change. While with my current state, I have learned strategies to help me manage anxiety and depression. I've learned to accept etc.
But I definitely need to think more on this. Implicit in your question 'worse not to try' is the prospect of medication reducing anxiety and depression, and therefore improving my current state and reduce the need for the learned strategies. And whether the concerns and problems with the medication might be short-term while the benefits are longer-term.
Thank you for encouraging me to think through these.
04-02-2025 05:07 PM
04-02-2025 05:07 PM
Hi @Jynx
Many thanks for your reply, and apologies for my delayed response. You have provided a number of interesting and useful perspectives to consider.
In answer to your first question, my understanding is like yours: there is no medication for ASD, but instead meds that help with 'symptoms' or 'traits' of ASD like depression. @tyme mentioned the same distinction, which I understand is important.
Your last question about whether I have found 'super affirming/non-pathologising professionals to help you navigate everything' is very relevant, because I think my difficulties in that area have somewhat tainted my expectations about finding a pdoc and a new psych.
After trying a few GPs, I did find a supportive one. But she mumbled with a strong accent, which caused many communication problems. The thought of a new merry-go-round of finding a new GP has caused me a lot of anxiety, to the point I can't face finding a new one. It's been 2 years. I know I need to rectify this, but every time I try to push myself to try, it becomes overwhelming.
It similarly took me a few tries to find the psych who diagnosed my ASD. She was good for what I needed at the start, but she dismissed many of my concerns (e.g. the existence of a PDA profile) and I've realised she wasn't a good fit going forward. That was similarly about 2 years ago with the same inner-resistance to the challenge of finding a new one.
I therefore haven't had much luck finding a suitable GP or psych. Intuition and researching about pdocs resulted in a similar conclusion to what you mentioned, Jynx, about pdocs tending to be less emotionally attuned/aware. True, this is probably less of an issue if one has a good GP and psych so that the pdoc is just for the meds.
This passed experience and associated 'trauma' (at least, that's what it feels like) regarding GP and psych searches is holding me back, I understand.
Jynx, thank you. As with tyme, your insights have been extremely helpful.
04-02-2025 05:25 PM
04-02-2025 05:25 PM
@xp wow, so much of what you're describing really resonates with my experiences too! I think I too am approx. 2 years overdue for finding a new GP. I have to keep reminding myself that no, it's not 'just some task' like booking in a car service or hairdressing appt. Finding a doctor is about finding someone with whom I can feel safe to be vulnerable and that's a much more involved process. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
I would call it trauma, if it feels right for your brain to conceptualise it that way. Systemic trauma is very real, and like yeah every time we have a crappy experience it's gonna make it that much harder to feel safe to go do the same thing all over again with someone else.
You're super welcome friend, good luck in your search and feel free to keep us updated along your journey!
05-02-2025 04:20 PM
05-02-2025 04:20 PM
Hey @xp ,
I'm sorry to hear you have felt so 'dismissed' in the past. That sounds incredibly hard. It's certainly important to find someone you feel you can build a rapport with.
You don't have case management, do you?
For me, I was case managed by my local Area Mental Health Service and when I was discharged from them, they gave me a list of GPs, clinicians and health professionals who were experienced with my needs. They gave me a bio of each too. I then chose the ones I wanted, met them, and made the choice whether I wanted to stick with them or not.... that was super helpful.
There are some GPs and psychs who are more experienced with ASD than others as I'm sure you know.
Another thing that I've noticed is that the ones who are 'good' are worth waiting for because they have a waitlist.
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