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Re: Checking In

@Queenie  If going into hospital means getting your meds sorted properly, I think it is worth it. Or may be if you can see your psychiatrist early and see what he says about your situation. It is not good with your withdrawal now. Or may be because old drug is so bad for you causing tardive dyskinesia that coming off it also causes a lot of problems. So seeing your psychiatrist is important. Hope it will sort out.

Re: Checking In

Hi @Meowmy I am still waiting for the phone call. I haven’t been asleep at all though I think that’s more from anxiety rather than withdrawal. I’m exhausted today and I have my support worker this afternoon so we shall see. He’s good at the gentle art of distraction.

Re: Checking In

@QueenieMust be hard. It is natural to be anxious when medication cause bad side effects and waiting for new medication to start. Good that you have support worker this afternoon. Hope you feel better soon. I imagine they would talk to you re going into hospital. I think it is important to see the psychiatrist as soon as possible to make sure.

Hope to talk soon. Let us know what happens.

Re: Checking In

@oceangirl @Queenie @Snowie @Ali11  Hello everyone. Just check in to see how everyone is doing. I am ok. Had something to eat after walk. What hiking preparation exercises do you do? @oceangirl  I think hiking is a very good sport for all around fitness and well being.

Re: Checking In

Hey @Meowmy it has been decided that if I need to be admitted, I have agreed to go in Sunday night or Monday morning. Still waiting to hear back from the psychiatrist. Perhaps there’s nobody in the office this week due to all the public holidays? He was going away overseas at some stage.

My support worker was really kind making sure I didn’t get sensory overload.

Re: Checking In

@Queenie  That is good news. May be a short admission just to change the medication and when you are mentally prepared, wouldn’t be too bad. In hospital, there is 24/7 support and medical skills to intervene if in need. But if no need to be in hospital, then make sure there is no danger in stay at home while coming off major meds.

Re: Checking In

Glad to hear that you are ok @Meowmy.  

Hiking is a great sport to get into! There are some amazing places that you can visit. Have you checked out any places that you'd like to hike? 

Re: Checking In


Thanks @Queenie 

I thought it would be a good place for people just to be able to check in and especially if they needed extra support.I am sorry to hear you're struggling- how are you today?I've struggled the last 24 hours mainly but its been coming on quite quickly.

Re: Checking In


Hi @Ali11 

TY Smiley Happy

I just hope it helps others to connect and to feel supported.

Re: Checking In


Hi @Snowie  TY Smiley Happy What have you been doing today?