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Re: Checking In


@Maggie  It is good to hear from you. 


I am sorry you struggle with sleep too. My sleep is not in sync atm but I try not to put pressure on myself, in terms of my sleep. I was meant to go out for lunch today but I couldn't make it because of my sleep. My sleep took prioprity and I slept late afternoon too. 


I will phone my Dr tomorrow to see GP or  specilaist that prescibed this medication. The medication is HRT (hormones) and not sure if it has made others worse. I have not been on it very long and might be the adjustment period. I didn't want to stay on it too long- I was hoping it would help me a little. 


I am proud of myself for finishing the course and keeping up with my exercise. Thank you for your support and friendship. Its made me feel better 🙂



Re: Checking In


Hi @Jacques 

Its is lovely to hear from you- how are you? Anxiety is tough to deal with and especially when it saps the energy from us. I'm taking melatonin for my sleep and it does not always work but it seems to help me feel better. What do you find helps you with your anxiety? 


I appreciate your support and I will not too put too much pressure on myself. And I am just thinking what I need to do tomorrow but I will park that up for now. Not much I can do tonight and I will just try to zone out for the moment. I find that helps me. 



Re: Checking In

Hey @oceangirl so nice to speak again too. I am on the same meds as you re sleep. I'm doing OK, wishing I could control my anxiety so I could live with my partner and her daughters.


Yes I find I get so exhausted these days and have to sleep through the day because my anxiety is so bad of a night. 


I find just trying to occupy my mind until I go to sleep is all that works for me, the moment I start thinking I lose control. 


I'm glad you are looking after you and I'm glad you will focus on tomorrow tomorrow. I have the same bad habit of worrying about tomorrow today. 


I hope you manage some rest tonight @oceangirl 

Re: Checking In


Hi again @Jacques Glad to hear you're OK. I hope in the near future- you can live with your partner and her daughters. I'm sorry your anxiety has such impact on you. Until more recently,I didn't make the connection with my anxiety, and sleep issue. And I don't think I would be alone on this one, I have downplayed the impact of my anxiety- by thinking- it is just anxiety. What I am trying to say anxiety is a serious issue and really does affect us on every level.  I don't want to get you too overthinking at this time of night. 


I try not too worry too much about the future- easier said then done. I hope you're able to get some sleep tonight. I will probably be up for a bit longer and I will check back in soon...

Re: Checking In


Hi @Jacques 

I hope you're unwinding and able to sleep better.

Re: Checking In

i hope you managed some sleep @oceangirl i know i worry about the future all the time too.


i know people keep telling me anxiety is all in my head, but i know it does come out in physical form, from sweating, shaking, not sleeping, muscle spasm's, stuttering. most people don't understand because they have never experianced it.


i hope you are feeling a little better today my friend. im always listening 🙂



Re: Checking In


Morning Jac 

I did manage to get 5 hours of sleep last night @Jacques . How did you go? I checked my fitbit it comes up with my sleep score and overall it was poor. 


Have you tried talking to them and to ask what they mean by this- and you could explain how that impacts you. And you may find they struggle to express themselves and they could many reasons why they say this. It maybe because they don't like to see others upset. I hope I am making sense. But remember not everyone is our people and we can chose the relationship we have with others. 


I am feeling a bit better this morning, and thank you for listening to me. I hear you too. 

Re: Checking In


No need to be sorry Tab- I understand

I hope your day goes well for you

I woke up feeling better

Not sure what is on the agenda today

I am going to try to get back to basics and hope that helps me a bit more

Hope to talk to you soon


Re: Checking In

Sounds like a plan @oceangirl am bit tied up w work but yes talk soon

Re: Checking In


How long to go @TAB ?