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Something’s not right

Re: Checking In


Hi @Ali11 

It was a bit of a struggle unfortunately, more anxiety and not sure what to do.

Re: Checking In

It's just a balance of health and career prospects @oceangirl

which can be hard

Re: Checking In


Thats not easy @MDT . What career path do you hope to take?

Re: Checking In

Thinking of you @oceangirl, is there someone you can talk to about your anxiety? 

Re: Checking In

Government or think tanks @oceangirl
But a colleague from old is increasingly critical of me. Keeps saying that I have potential but then keeps putting me down. Idk. Maybe it's just their view really.

Re: Checking In


I went to see my GP but it was not much help for me @Ali11 . Not sure what she can do or what I should discuss with her- everyone says just to be open and honest. I am honest but its not easy to talk about something like this re mental illness

Re: Checking In


Do you have specific area of work in mind (Government)? I am not sure what a think tank entails- is it a project officer? I would be confused too- perhaps it might be worthwhile talking to them about this and tell them how you feel. I am not good with stuff like this but I am learning to stand up for myself. Your friend should be supporting you. Keep going mate. Work on learning to sell yourself and getting along with others- it does help. @MDT 

Re: Checking In


Hi @Faith-and-Hope 

I'm really struggling tonight not coping too well at all. Not sure what to do unfortuantely. I think my depression is on the way back. I saw GP today not much help. My anxiety is quite moderate atm I wouldn't say severe but its hard to cope with. 

Re: Checking In

Maybe try some simple

things first @oceangirl .  Classical


usic has apparently been proven to lower anxiety.  Can you find some piano, flute, harp, violin, or something, music to listen to ?


Herbal teas can also help

settle symptoms.


A hot shower is another one I use when things have been grrrrr around here.


Who have you seen about your depression before ?

Re: Checking In

It can be quite difficult to talk to someone @oceangirl, why do you think that it is? A GP is a good one to talk to as they'll be able to process the information to help you.  

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