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Casual Contributor

I’m done

Today I got told by the 4th psychiatrist that I have been referred to that they are not taking on new patients and that they don’t have a waiting list so I have to try someone else. I’m so over this. I have paid my GP 4 times now for theses referrals and got no where and she won’t put me on medication because of my long mental health history. I’m at a loss for what to do. I’m ready to give up.


Re: I’m done

Hearing you @Faithful79 . It must be so frustrating this is happening. Do you have a psychologist who you can ask to help you find a suitable psychiatrist? Or, even another GP who may be more experienced with mental health?


Also, so you have any other supports you can lean on? 

Re: I’m done

My psychologist is the one that has given me the name of the last psychiatrist as it was her idea that I see one as I was having trouble with my then doctor getting my mental health medication. I changed to a different GP and I am able to get my current mental health medication but she won’t prescribe anything new because of my history. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: I’m done

Hey there @Faithful79 


That does sound really frustrating, and I am sorry that you are going through that at the moment. The constant waiting lists and the lack of psychologists available at the moment is a really big problem, but as @tyme mentioned above, it can also be a time that you can possibly lean on some other supports (whether these supports are formal or informal supports).


Do you have anyone that you can chat to about how you're feeling, or any drop in lines that might be a listening ear? You could chat to us about how this has made you feel in our Drop In Line: 1800 187 263


Sending lots of hugs ❤️



Re: I’m done

Thank you for your advice 

Re: I’m done

I'm sorry to hear, @Faithful79 . Please keep's worth it. I spent 18 years trying new psychologists before I found two in a row who were excellent fits for me (one retired), and I've got a lot of healing with them. 


You can help the process by ringing round psychiatrists before you go to the GP for your referral. Ask if they are taking new patients, what the cost is and if there's a waiting list. Then you can take a name to your GP. Worth a try? 


An important forum tip is if you type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box, that person will get a notification and won't miss your reply.

Good luck...