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Re: My special place

@tyme I think we sometimes underestimate how much words can impact us, but it does. I have struggled with not feeling good enough since I was a child. I automatically take a lot of blame and shame myself.

What are you up to on the weekend?

@Snowie 💖🫂. It can be hard to believe we are worthy enough when we are feeling so low. Holding the space for you

Re: My special place

It must be so hard to sit with these big emotions @Snowie 


I might not be able to take these feelings away, but I can sit with you.

Re: My special place

Thanks @tyme @creative_writer for sitting with me.


I did ask someone today when is it enough. They said we have to keep pushing on. My question is why? What is the point?

Hubby will notice when he gets home. Another thing to explain.





Re: My special place

Do you feel your hubby understands much @Snowie ?

Re: My special place

he understands a bit @tyme I'll give him this, he does support me.

he doesn't understand my si, but most people dont. I just come across as being selfish.

The only thing I live for now is my kids. Yet when is that even not enough. It hasn't been today.






Re: My special place

I'm glad he is supportive - as much as he can @Snowie . 


Kids can really be one's protective factor. 


I know in the past, ECT has been helpful. Are you still having ECT?

Re: My special place

@Snowie SI is hard for many people to understand, but I am glad to hear he is supportive. You are far from being selfish, SI is a response to feeling overwhelmed

Re: My special place

I've still got 3 sessions of ECT left @tyme They are now a month apart. I don't know what is happening after that. It was helping when I was having it every week but I'm not sure if it's helping now.

I know if I say something to my pdoc he will just suggest hospital again. I don't want to go down that path. 

@creative_writer I will leave you in @tyme's capable hands.


I think I better go to bed. Have you ever been scared of yourself? I'm scared I can't stop. I'm scared I don't want to.



Re: My special place

@Snowie yes I have been scared of myself before. Totally get the need to go to bed. I hope you sleep well tonight, hun 💖🫂

Re: My special place

@Snowie  I've been catching up the last 2 days I missed...I can hear how low, worthless and helpless you feel 💔 I'm so sad for you 😭

You haven't been on here this morning which makes me concerned... Are you safe? 

I hear you when you said last night that you're at the end of your SP...that you reached out and it didn't make any difference. 😭


I don't know what to say... Even worrying that you are safe seems selfish of me when you don't want to be alive. 


All I can say is that I'm here for you and sending wishes and care for you 💙