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Re: My special place

@Snowie  Have a wonderful time and I hope there is an abundance of snow!!


I’ll post an update on my thread soon but things are looking up for me.


Lots of love 🥶🩵🥶🩵🥶🩵🥶🩵

Re: My special place

Aww, @Snowie , you're up at your favourite place, the snow! 


So happy for you...I hope it's great refreshing time 💙

Re: My special place

Hi all

Well it's been beautiful weather up here but is meant to turn really nasty in the coming days. Expecting snow, rain and sleet.

Just sitting here with the sun shining through the windows taking in the magical view I have, being thankful for where I am.

Will head out skiing soon.

Just a few photos 💗

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Illustration of people sitting and standing

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