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Re: Taking the plunge

Oh WOW illegal rainbows ❤️💚💜💙💛 I read it quickly,,but will read it again later. That was why I started painting stones. Share some joy.....colour.


Such a shame money is always an issue for the basic needs of most of us. Repairs are expensive. I really hope the machine ends up being a simple thing. 💚💚


Mr Grey will be learning and growing too. Growing pains, grrr.


Heading to the shower. I hope your day goes ok enough. Take care. Will be thinking of you. 💙💙💙💙💙💙❤️💜💛💚❤️💜💙💛💚

Re: Taking the plunge

How good are illegal rainbows 😁😍

I just copped a bit of a smash from a family support worker who, out of the blue, sent me a message about closing our work. Just before I went to hospital she took over from my old family support worker who I worked really well with. We've met once since then. She canceled our last appointment when I was in the break place at the last minute as she was too busy to come, then had holidays and now, on returning, is closing, despite saying we could continue working together. I'm super disappointed. At the one meeting we had I was way more open than usual about wanting support with the kids and how difficult it was for me to accept that but how clear it was that I needed it given the mega breakdown I experienced. She had lots of "we can do..." and "I can support you by..." to say, none which will actually happen now. It is the same organisation that the psych who Middle had just started engaging with, closed on the spot at their last appointment just before school holidays too. Feeling super let down right now and angry (and need to stop myself from bouncing argumentative text messages back to her argumentative text messages so I'm posting here instead :face_with_rolling_eyes:). Grrrrrr

Re: Taking the plunge

That really is rough @CheerBear . I’m so sorry, as I think you said you connected well with this person. 💛💛💛💜💚💙❤️


Do ‘ they’ offer other support? Or just ‘ nothing’ .Annoyed on your behalf. You do have a right to voice your disappointment/dissatisfaction with this organisation. I try to wait a little before striking. Just me though. Sending 💜💙💚❤️💛💚❤️💜💙💛

Re: Taking the plunge

Thanks for listening @Maggie. I shouldn't have struck but found it difficult not to. I'm getting better at waiting until things settle a bit, though I guess like most things there are slip ups at times. After posting here I put it down and won't communicate when she gets back to me (she said she would this afternoon) until I'm calm.

I fixed the machine. Proper whitegoods repair person style. Feeling kind of proud as there was electrical stuff and bits and pieces of things (yep I know what I'm doing haha) that I had to screw in, take apart, put back together etc.

I hope your day is going OK so far ❤

Re: Taking the plunge

Oh @CheerBear  I didn’t mean you struck here. That was a good move. It’s important to get stuff out, not let it build up inside. I just know with me, I can strike when the iron is hot now, not good for me, I say things I really don’t mean, it’s mixed with hurt, disappointment, more let downs and then it gets really dark. You do have a right to say exactly how you feel. Really you do. 💛💛💙💜💚❤️


I am impressed with your Mrs Fix It. You should be proud. Does that mean it will get a work out today. Those things can really mess with my head.


I found some rainbows for you @CheerBear 


Re: Taking the plunge

OMG @Maggie What beautiful images 🌈


Annoyed for you too @CheerBear The support you need should not be this hard Smiley Sad Super impressed by your handy work as well 👍 Also impressed with the openness and sharing you have done with Mr Grey (I love you are using that btw Smiley Tongue) I so hope this works out well for you as you seem to not only get on extremely well but can talk openly and candidly about everything. If it does not work out into the future then you certainly have learnt that there are nice people out there and that a relationship built on trust, open communication and mutual respect is possible ...and that is a massive thing.


@Maggie Walking on eggshells with your friend is a hard way to live. You deserve so much better than not knowing which 'friend' will turn up each time you meet. It makes it even more difficult when some of your own world views do not correspond to theirs. Look after yourself first Hon Heart

Re: Taking the plunge

Early morning hi, with rainbow coffee (though I'm  not sure how you actually drink out of this mug) 🙂


images - 2020-01-24T043658.170.jpeg


Not a great day for me yesterday and I woke early this morning tossing and turning with it all. Hoping today is better. 


@Maggie I loved those rainbows yesterday 💜 Did you find your kitchen yesterday? I lost ours even deeper under house stuff 😑 That's my job today. 


Do you have counsellor today? I hope your day starts off well.


👋 @Zoe7 @Former-Member @Owlunar @Shaz51 @Gazza75 @outlander and all

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear  Sorry yesterday was a bad day for you, I guessed it might have been.

I found part of my kitchen yesterday, the sink. The rest is waiting. Not a good day here either. I searched for colours, the rainbows were as far as it got. 


Yes, counsellor this morning. She’s bringing chocolate. 👍👍👍


Good luck with the kitchen search today. I hope it’s a better search team than mine. Woeful. 💚💚💚💚❤️💛💙💜

Re: Taking the plunge

Sorry you had a bad day yesterday too @Maggie. Was it something/nothing/everything (only if you feel like sharing)?

Mine kitchen/cleaning team is pretty woeful at the moment too 😕 I think they went awol when the crew came home. I don't blame them really 😏

Chocolate sounds pretty super. I hope it's as good as it usually is to see counsellor.

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear  Something/Nothing/everything, pretty much wraps it up. I tell myself I have nothing to be sad/down about. But I know MI is there, nibbling away all the time. It’s a tough call. Sometimes trying to push through isn’t an option, it’s waiting for another storm to pass.


Yes, counsellor will be cheerful and understanding. She’s had a really busy week.


We are back in kind of winter. Not complaining, as it’s great. Rain, wind and a summer chill. The ground is loving it. Lapping it up.


How are the crew?

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