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Re: Checking In


Hi @MDT 

Sorry you're not feeling the best. Its probably best to go back to basics and deal with the stress the best way you can. 

Re: Checking In

@Queeniehoping your hospital stay goes well and it is of benefit for you.

Hi @oceangirl haven't done alot today. Kids went back to school so was a rest day for me.

Re: Checking In


Hi @Meowmy 

I've not done any hikes this year- I've had major surgery in Feb- I'm still recovering from my surgery. Exercise prep- is just training by walking, cycling and strength training. I hope to do a all girl hike- they have a few companies that run hiking groups. I also have friends I walk with every week, we starting back at the lake tomorrow.

Re: Checking In


@Queenie  I am glad to hear you had support today. I hope you get the care you deserve in hospital and it helps you and gives you peace mind. You're ok buddy. Thinking of you.

Re: Checking In


Hi @Snowie  I am glad you did some looking after you today, I hope you feel good too. 

Re: Checking In

Pretty much hey @oceangirl
Thats what I'll try I think

Re: Checking In


@MDT  I think the key is action and knowing what you're feeling is normal and that should reduce those big feelings. Its helps just to normalize what you're feeling. And with stress, utilizing your skills and knowlege to deal with the situation- you're capable and you just need to break down the problem step by step. 



Re: Checking In

Yeah @oceangirl you're quite right.
Thanks mate.

Re: Checking In

Hey @oceangirl, how was your day today? 

Re: Checking In


No prob @MDT  Here if you need someome to talk to