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Re: My special place

You certainly are none of those things @creative_writer I have only ever seen you as a kind and caring person, with so much to offer others on here. For some reason it is so hard to see ourselves in this way. We focus on the negatives so much and they are so much easier to see them within ourselves.


H has gone now. Its just me at home

Re: My special place

@Snowie maybe I’m overthinking, it’s hard not to let other peoples words seep in when you’re feeling low, especially when it came from what was meant to be a therapeutic setting. The point is, I don’t see that person anymore. Once I spoke to a peer support worker about it and she was offended for me.

I know it can be hard when you’re on your own. Sometimes we need to do things that take our mind off during heightened emotional periods. Is there anything soothing or distracting you can do for yourself tonight?

Re: My special place

It is hard not to believe others @creative_writer especially when we are at our low points. I can understand why you feel like you do. It is good however to hear that you have removed that toxic person from your life. Having those people around can just make things worse for us.


I've tried. I just don't see the point.  Not worth it.

Re: My special place

Hey @Snowie @creative_writer  🙂

Re: My special place

Hi @tyme 

How are you going?

Re: My special place

@Snowie removing that person was a big step when I did take it years ago. therapy is supposed to make you feel better in the long run, not worse about yourself. But I still second guess myself at times to this day and start wondering whether what she painted me as is what I am.

Here to chat if you want a distraction 💖

Hi @tyme how are you? 🙂

Re: My special place

Sounds like some heavy feels here @creative_writer @Snowie 


I'm here to listen if you need an ear.


I've been okay today. Looking forward to the weekend.

Re: My special place

I think it is normal to second guess ourselves at times @creative_writer especially when those people are meant to support us. It certainly isn't what they said, but I do know believing good things about ourselves is hard.


Thanks for the offer hon. I don't regret what I've done. It feels like I deserved it.


@tyme glad your day has been ok, hopefully the weekend will be good for you too.


I reached out today but it made no difference. I'm at the end of my sp.



Re: My special place

Awwww @Snowie .


I'm here for you. Sounds so tough.

Re: My special place

I'm just tired of myself @tyme 

I know I'm being selfish but it's just not worth it.