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Re: Taking the plunge

@Zoe7  I thought the pics were pretty special too.


I am pulling back with ‘ friend’. Self protection. People can be tricky and hard to handle. But life throws stuff our way. I will take care. Thankyou. 💜💜🦋🦋🦋🦋

Re: Taking the plunge

I hear you @Maggie. There's lots of stuff always bubbling away, all which is real and important. And yep, sometimes it's a case of riding it out as there's little else that can help. That was a bit like how yesterday went down for me too.

Winterish here also. I almost posted that earlier. Fluffy pjs, dressing gown, jumper and beanie (though that might just be the mostly shaved head 😁). Ground here is loving it also. It's so green and thick. Very strange for this time of the year. Thankful.

The crew are good thanks. They've really enjoyed plenty of down time these holidays, though I feel a bit guilty about not doing more with them. It's strange - I believe down time is important and can see how much they benefit from it, but feel some ridiculous pressure to do and to entertain and to go etc. They all played so well together yesterday which was lovely. Bed swapping and sharing at the moment too 😊

I've been hook and yarn-ing this morning. I had to redo a row three times which was annoying, but getting there again 🙂

Re: Taking the plunge

Nice to know you have hook and yarn 🧶  @CheerBear . Sorry about having to redo some. I looked at rocks yesterday, that was as far as it went.


I smiled at the shaved head @CheerBear . That was one of my big church issues. How are they going to cope with my head and nose stud. 😂😂😂 My last accomodation thought I was gay. 😂😂😂 I didn’t know there was a gay haircut.  I’m proud to be thought of that way, as I deeply respect my gay travellers. Misunderstood like MH I think.


Funny, in a not so funny way, how we feel we always have to be doing. It’s really hard to BE. Really hard.





Re: Taking the plunge

Sometimes looking is just as great as doing I think @Maggie. Pinterest craft is a legit form of craft I believe 😆

I too am proud to be thought of and seen the way you are. Can totally see how church issues might be a thing (annoyingly). My neighbour asked if I was gay within moments of meeting him, and I've had so many comments and assumptions about my sexuality by strangers and people I know, because of my look 😑. I too didn't realise there was such a thing as a gay haircut (there's not) or that you could tell someone's sexuality by looking at them (you can't) or that it was anyone's business who does what and who (it's not), but apparently there are people out there who believe otherwise :face_with_rolling_eyes: I take it as an opportunity to educate and stand up against ignorance. And a bit of an eff you to parts of society I don't like 😉💪😆Now, thanks to my neon coming back, plus the level 1.5 as well as new sparkly bits on my face, I have lots of opportunities for all of that haha 😁

Really hard to BE, you're right. It's important to teach the crew that being and not always doing is good I think though tricky when it doesn't come naturally to me.

Looking forward to seeing any of your craft or things you've found if you'd like to and do share ❤

Re: Taking the plunge

I loved the 😉💪😁 @CheerBear . Very much the same here. I deeply respect ( people ) . I too stand against ignorance, no excuses now, education is available. Sometimes it comes on the doorstep before acceptance can happen, sometimes acceptance doesn’t happen, sadly. Kindness is important. I am being challenged in regards to forgiveness. Big wrestling match going on inside with the whole thing. I’ve sat comfortably with, some things are unforgivable. Scratching my head again. I’ve tried and failed miserably in the past. It’s looking like no change there.


Ive got some half done crafts. Who knows, I might pick up my dotting tools later.


I had better clear my chairs. Counsellor will need a seat at least, oh, and a plate for the chocolate, that won’t last long.


Hope there is good parts in your day. Lots of 💚💙💜❤️💛💚💙💜❤️💛

Re: Taking the plunge

So much respect @Maggie 💪🧡💪

Hope you find a plate! I'm going to have to send the (dodgy) search party into the feral house soon too :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Oodles of 💙💜❤🧡💛💚 back 😊

Re: Taking the plunge

Have a great day and wonderful long weekend @CheerBear @Zoe7 @Sherry @Dec @Shaz51 @outlander





Re: Taking the plunge

morning @Maggie @CheerBear @Former-Member and all passing through 👋

Re: Taking the plunge

Morning @Gazza75 🙂 Any plans for the long weekend? Hope you enjoy it however you spend it.

Hey @outlander. Feels like a while since we've caught up. How's things (if you feel up for sharing)? ❤

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear @Maggie Smiley Sad for your bad days yesterday. I hope today is better for both of you Heart


Love that coffee mug CB but like you not sure how you would drink out of it. Here's one that you may like Hon...


Image result for rainbow mugs