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Re: My special place

@Snowie sending you lots of love 💖🫂💖🫂

Re: My special place

Thanks @creative_writer 

Feeling very much a burden to my family and very guilty for my choices.

Sometimes the aftermath is worse.


Going to head to bed hon. Please look after yourself and do what is right for you. 

Sending lots of 💗💗you ARE worth it


Re: My special place

@Snowie you are definitely not a burden. I hope sleep well tonight and tomorrow is a better day 💖💖. Probably will have an early night, I feel embarrassed for coughing in public after we had lockdowns a few years back

Re: My special place

Dear @Snowie , thanks for your lovely post yesterday, it warmed my heart ❤️


I'm sad your mind went to such a dark place 😭 Sometimes our mind is too strong for us. 


You said the aftermath is sometimes worse...hope you are coping. I know the guilt about your family would be strong 😢


I've been in a slump so spent a couple of days away too. Getting back on my feet today. 


Lots of care and 💙

Re: My special place


They wanted to admit me but I was able to avoid that. Hard that the kids are older now. Shielding them from what is happening is really difficult now. 


I'm sorry you have been in a slump hon. It's sometimes hard to overcome that. Please lean on us here if you need too. Sending lots of love 💗💗

Re: My special place

Glad you were able to avoid an admission, as long as you are safe @Snowie .


Guess it would be hard to hide things from the kids 😢


Thanks for your kind words. Am coming good slowly, just pottering round at a snail's pace, doing laundry. 


Are you home today? How are your thoughts - manageable? 



Re: My special place

Am home today @NatureLover Was going to head to the shops but that can wait for another day.

Just doing some laundry myself and some online shopping!

My thoughts aren't great but they are better than they were.


Have you got anything else on today?

Re: My special place

Online shopping is a feel-good thing 🙂 @Snowie 


Glad that it sounds like your thoughts are better...I'm not sure that's saying much, though? 


I need to try and find a better deal for my mobile and internet, if I'm up to it. Even if I just do the research. It's homework that I haven't done for my psychologist. I see her on Friday. 

Hoping your thoughts ease still further 💙

Re: My special place

Online shopping certainly is therapy @NatureLover!!

My thoughts are what they are. All I can do is try and keep my brain busy.


My Aunty gets her mobile and internet through Aldi. They actually do it, and she really likes it. Might be something you can look into and tell your psych about.





Re: My special place

Little sleep last night. Ended up getting up at 5am and having a cuppa. Feel like crap. Did a covid test, at least that came back negative. 

Struggling physically and mentally. I know the two are linked. 

Defiantly a pj and couch day today.


Anyone around for a chat